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Creates and gets cover pools.



    function createCoverPool(
        bytes32 sourceName,
        address tokenIn,
        address tokenOut,
        uint16 feeTier,
        int16  tickSpread,
        uint16 twapLength
    ) external override returns (address pool)
Creates a pool for the given two ERC-20 tokens to correspond with an existing volatility tier.

The volatility tier selected is based on the sourceName, feeTier, tickSpread, and twapLength passed in.

The addresses of tokenIn and tokenOut will have their addresses sorted lexographically (i.e. first by number then by letter) to represent token0 and token1.

The contract call will revert with PoolAlreadyExists() if the pool already exists, TwapSourceNotFound is the TWAP source does not exists, VolatilityTierNotSupported() if the volatility tier is not supported, or InvalidTokenAddress if one of the token addresses is invalid.


Name Type Description
sourceName bytes32 A bytes string with the name of the TWAP source being used (e.g. 'UNI-V3')
tokenIn address The first ERC-20 token by ordering in the pool
tokenOut address The second ERC-20 token by ordering in the pool
feeTier uint16 The selected fee tier from which to derive TWAP data
tickSpread int16 The spacing for the ticks which will create a spread around the TWAP
twapLength uint16 The length in seconds for the TWAP sample which matches a volatility tier

Return Values:

Name Type Description
pool address The generated address for the pool


    function getCoverPool(
        bytes32 sourceName,
        address tokenIn,
        address tokenOut,
        uint16 feeTier,
        int16  tickSpread,
        uint16 twapLength
    ) external view override returns (address)

Gets the pool for the given two ERC-20 tokens with the selected fee tier.

If such a pool does not exist, address(0) will be returned.


Name Type Description
sourceName bytes32 A bytes string with the name of the TWAP source being used (e.g. 'UNI-V3')
tokenIn address The first ERC-20 token by ordering in the pool
tokenOut address The second ERC-20 token by ordering in the pool
feeTier uint16 The selected fee tier from which to derive TWAP data
tickSpread int16 The spacing for the ticks which will create a spread around the TWAP
twapLength uint16 The length in seconds for the TWAP sample which matches a volatility tier

Return Values:

Name Type Description
pool address The address of the found pool (if exists)