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The Oracle library provides average tick (i.e. price) and liquidity data that can be utilized for on-chain and off-chain consumption. An array of oracle data titled observations is kept in contract storage and is publicly available for read.

Each entry in the oracle array contains averages across a single block of transactions. Each contract starts with an oracle array length of 1. Anyone can increase the number of historical observations.

When all indices in the oracle array are full, the index will reset to 0. The most recent observation is available by passing in 0 to observe().



  function initialize(
    struct Oracle.Observation[65535] self,
    uint32 time
  ) internal returns (uint16 length, uint16 lengthNext)

Writes the first index of the oracle array. Callable only once.


Name Type Description
self struct Oracle.Observation[65535] The stored oracle array
time uint32 The time of the initialization, i.e. block.timestamp cast as a uint32

Return Values:

Name Type Description
length uint16 The number of elements which have oracle data
lengthNext uint16 The new length of the oracle array


  function write(
    struct Oracle.Observation[65535] self,
    uint16 index,
    uint32 blockTimestamp,
    int24 tick,
    uint128 liquidity,
    uint16 length,
    uint16 lengthNext
  ) internal returns (uint16 indexUpdated, uint16 lengthUpdated)

Writes an Observation to the observations array.

Can be called at most once per block. index represents the most recently written element. length and index must be tracked externally.

The oracle array length will only be increased when index is at the end of the allowable array length and lengthNext is greater than index. This preserves ordering.


Name Type Description
self struct Oracle.Observation[65535] The stored oracle array
index uint16 The location of the most recently updated observation
blockTimestamp uint32 The timestamp of the new observation
tick int24 The active tick at the time of the new observation
liquidity uint128 The total in-range liquidity at the time of the new observation
length uint16 The number of populated elements in the oracle array
lengthNext uint16 The new length of the oracle array, independent of population

Return Values:

Name Type Description
indexUpdated uint16 The index of the most recently written entry in the oracle array
lengthUpdated uint16 The new length of the oracle array


  function grow(
    struct Oracle.Observation[65535] self,
    uint16 current,
    uint16 next
  ) internal returns (uint16)

Prepares the oracle array to store up to next observations.


Name Type Description
self struct Oracle.Observation[65535] The stored oracle array
current uint16 The current next length of the oracle array
next uint16 The proposed next length which will be populated in the oracle array

Return Values:

Name Type Description
next uint16 The next length which will be populated in the oracle array


  function observe(
    struct Oracle.Observation[65535] self,
    uint32 time,
    uint32[] secondsAgos,
    int24 tick,
    uint16 index,
    uint128 liquidity,
    uint16 length
  ) internal view returns (int56[] tickCumulatives, uint160[] liquidityCumulatives)

Returns the cumulative tick and liquidity values as of each time in the array secondsAgos.

Reverts if secondsAgos > oldest observation.


Name Type Description
self struct Oracle.Observation[65535] The stored oracle array
time uint32 The current block.timestamp
secondsAgos uint32[] Each amount of time to look back, in seconds, at which point to return an observation
tick int24 The current tick
index uint16 The location of a given observation within the oracle array
liquidity uint128 The current in-range pool liquidity
length uint16 The number of populated elements in the oracle array

Return Values:

Name Type Description
tickCumulatives int56[] The tick * time elapsed since the pool was first initialized, as of each secondsAgo
liquidityCumulatives uint160[] The liquidity * time elapsed since the pool was first initialized, as of each secondsAgo